Jyotish & Health

Jyotish & Health

Vedic astrology can also be good for describing your particular physical wiring. This makes it a great tool for getting a deeper, more complete understanding of your health. The horoscope shows the sanskaras (karmic impressions) which you carry over from the past and are experiencing in this lifetime. It is the sanskaras that determine your unique constitutional type. Whether you have a tendency to be skinny, fat, athletic, slow moving, hot, cold, etc. is all predetermined and clearly symbolized in the horoscope. The horoscope also shows particular organs of the body which are predisposed to disease, which can be helpful for recommending preventative measures. It can also be used for predicting the likely time of onset of disease as well as cures.

According to the healing system called Ayurveda, which is a sister science to Jyotish, each person has a unique constitutional type. Although each person's constitution is completely his own, it is possible to define some broad constitutional types. Ayurveda defines three general constitutional tendencies called doshas. These three doshas are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. We all have all three doshas within us, but usually one tends to dominate.

Vata people tend to be thin, do not gain weight easily, are quick in motion, very mental, sometimes scattered or spacey, have low endurance, get cold easily, are wiry and tend to be nervous.

Pitta people have more medium or even athletic builds, generate heat, are fiery, assertive, confident, active, perspire freely, have good digestive power, make good leaders, are stable and can be creative.

Kapha people tend to gain weight, have good stamina, are slow to get started, tend to have oily skin, big eyes, are calm, sleep well, find it hard to lose weight, and are slow to anger.

In Ayurveda, optimum health is achieved through bringing the three doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, into balance and harmony. To this end, the vedic astrologer often collaborates with an ayurvedic physician who uses diet, herbs, massage and a variety of other techniques to bring a better state of health and well being.

The western systems of healing, on the other hand, are based on a more organ-centered concept. Here the state of health of the organs, glands, tissues, bones and blood is the focus. When disease appears, the treatment is usually geared at improving the function of one of the organs or systems in the body. Although it is less common for western medical doctors to collaborate with astrologers, it is very common for patients to consult vedic astrologers to get insight into their disease patterns. The insights gained through the chart often help the person understand the likely organs affected, time of onset and time of cure. The chart can also be used in order to set timings for surgery, beginning medication and other important health events.

Besides interacting with other healing systems, Jyotish has remedial measures that can sometimes be helpful for physical health. Most of these remedies focus on the root cause of all disease, which is the sanskaras (karmic impressions) lodged in the causal body. Various methods such as mantras, gems, and yagyas are used to shift the vibration of the aura so that the physical body can follow suit.

To find out more about remedial measures click here.